Downloading WuliWare

By selecting the DOWNLOAD button, you will open a dialog box which enables the download of the tools in the WuliWeb suite: WuliWare and WuliLink.



WuliWare is our proprietary software for uploading scanned barcode information from your barcode scanner to your computer. It will also clear your barcode reader for additional scans and upload the information to your personal hub the next time you are online.

  1. Clicking DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE will bring up a dialog box.

  2. Choose SAVE THIS PROGRAM TO DISK and press OK.

  3. Browse for the folder on your hard drive in which you'd like to save the downloaded application and click SAVE.

  4. When the download is finished, click OPEN FOLDER and double-click on the executable file.

  5. Click SETUP and follow the instructions to a successful installation by choosing one of the following three options:

Remember that WuliAgent, the application that remembers your login information, is installed automatically with any of the above options.




WuliLink is installed by simply dragging the blue [WuliLink] icon to the Links toolbar of your preferred browser. You can use this application even when you are not logged into your WuliWeb account.

  1. Click the [WuliLink] icon while browsing a web page and a dialog box will ask you for your account name and password.

  2. Login to your account. (You will not bring up your account in a browser window.)

  3. Choose whether you would like to save the page as a bookmark or as a complete web page.

  4. Name the file, choose your keywords, select a folder and click SUBMIT. The web page will be saved to your WuliWeb account. (The file will not be in your Inbox as you have already accepted it by choosing your criteria.)