Address Book

The Address Book allows you to manage your contacts and to select users for sharing folders and sending files.



Search Email Addresses

You can search within your Address Book for specific email addresses. Type a portion of the email address into the Search field and click on SEARCH. A list of matching contacts will be displayed.


Show Users of Selected Folder

If you are looking for a contact that is shared to a specific folder, you can select the folder from the drop-down box and it will display all contacts shared to that folder. This is useful if you are trying to send an email to all the users of a particular folder. Simply choose the folder, then use the Select menu to SELECT ALL.



Clicking on [Prop] next to a contact's name will display all the contact information for that person. You can then edit the information and SAVE to get back to the Address Book.


Delete Contact

To remove a contact from your address book, select the user by check the box next to their name. Click on the DELETE CONTACT link at the bottom of dialog box.


Add Contact

To add a contact to your address book, click on the ADD CONTACT button at the bottom of dialog box. You will get a contact information screen where you can fill in the contact person's name, address, etc. You must fill in, at least, a nickname and email address for any new contact you add.



If you came to the address book through the Share a Folder or Send dialog boxes, there will also be a SELECT button. When you have found the contacts you wish to add to your folder or email, check the box next to their names and click SELECT.